
The halfway point between Batavia, Illinois and Carpentersville, Illinois is: Elgin, IL. Find a place to meet halfway.

Points of Interest between Batavia, Illinois and Carpentersville, Illinois
Discover the top five must-visit destinations on a half-hour drive between Batavia and Carpentersville, Illinois. From historic windmills to amusement parks, this guide has it all!
Travel Cost between Batavia, Illinois and Carpentersville, Illinois
Discover the cost of driving from Batavia to Carpentersville and choose the most cost-effective route based on current gas prices. Compare distances, time, and toll prices for each route. Safe travels!
Driving Time between Batavia, Illinois and Carpentersville, Illinois
Learn about the different driving routes from Batavia to Carpentersville in Illinois, and the time it takes to travel based on traffic patterns. Discover the fastest and slowest routes in this post!