
The halfway point between Chicago, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico is: Tulsa, OK. Find a place to meet halfway.

Points of Interest between Chicago, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico
Embark on an unforgettable road trip from Chicago to Albuquerque with our top five list of must-visit destinations along the way. From iconic monuments to vibrant city districts, this guide has you covered for an adventure-packed journey through the heart of the Midwest and Southwest.
Travel Cost between Chicago, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico
Planning a road trip from Chicago, IL to Albuquerque, NM? Compare gas costs and route options to save money on your journey. Find the best route for your budget today!
Driving Time between Chicago, Illinois and Albuquerque, New Mexico
Planning a road trip from Chicago, IL to Albuquerque, NM? Discover the fastest and slowest routes, driving distances, and estimated times based on traffic patterns. Prepare for your journey with this helpful guide!