
The halfway point between Dallas, Texas and Garland, Texas is: Mesquite, TX. Find a place to meet halfway.

Points of Interest between Dallas, Texas and Garland, Texas
Explore museums, parks, and landmarks on a road trip from Dallas to Garland, Texas. Discover top attractions like the Dallas Museum of Art and White Rock Lake Park. Perfect for a day trip with diverse interests.
Travel Cost between Dallas, Texas and Garland, Texas
Planning a road trip from Dallas to Garland? Discover the cost of driving based on current gas prices. Explore different routes, distances, travel times, and expenses for a budget-friendly journey.
Driving Time between Dallas, Texas and Garland, Texas
Discover the best routes from Dallas to Garland, Texas, with travel times and fun stops along the way! From the scenic Route 66 to the straightforward US-75 N, find your perfect road trip adventure in this guide. Start exploring now!