
The halfway point between Las Vegas, Nevada and Houston, Texas is: Tucumcari, NM. Find a place to meet halfway.

  • These locations are 1456 miles apart and the exact midpoint is Tucumcari, NM. You searched for restaurant. Some places you could meet at include Del's Restaurant, La Cita, and Kix on 66.
  • AFirst Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
  • BSecond Location: Houston, Texas

Watson's BBQ

502 S Lake StTucumcari, NM 88401
Yelp rating
313 reviews

Golden Dragon Restaurant

1006 E Route 66 BlvdTucumcari, NM 88401
Yelp rating
46 reviews

Blake's Lotaburger

2523 S First StTucumcari, NM 88401
Yelp rating
116 reviews