How Long Does it Take to Drive from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to D'Iberville, Mississippi?
If you're planning a road trip from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to D'Iberville, Mississippi, you'll be happy to know that it is a relatively short journey. However, travel time can vary depending on the route you take and the time of day you travel.
Fastest and Slowest Routes
The fastest route from Baton Rouge to D'Iberville is via I-10 E and I-110 S. This route covers around 128 miles and takes approximately 2 hours and 5 minutes without accounting for traffic. However, if you want to avoid tolls, you can take I-12 E and I-10 E, which covers approximately 153 miles and takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes to drive.
The slowest route would be to take LA-1 S and US-90 E. This route is approximately 150 miles and takes almost 4 hours due to traffic lights and heavy traffic.
Distance and Time Based on Traffic Patterns
In light traffic, the journey from Baton Rouge to D'Iberville, via I-10 E and I-110 S, takes about 2 hours. During peak traffic times, it can take up to 2 hours and 30 minutes due to the increased volume of cars on the road.
If you decide to take the route using LA-1 S and US-90 E, it will take you about 3 hours in light traffic. During peak traffic, the journey can take up to 4 hours due to the heavy traffic and frequent traffic lights.
One thing to keep in mind is that during hurricane season, certain roads may be closed due to weather. Make sure to check weather reports and road closures before embarking on your journey.
To summarize, there are options when traveling from Baton Rouge to D'Iberville. The fastest way is via I-10 E and I-110 S, but if you want to avoid tolls, I-12 E and I-10 E is a good option. However, if you have extra time, taking LA-1 S and US-90 E can give you a more scenic route. Remember that heavy traffic during peak hours and weather can increase travel time, so plan accordingly. Safe travels!