The Ultimate Guide to Driving from Broadlands, Virginia to Mantua, Virginia
Looking to drive from Broadlands to Mantua? Look no further! We've compiled all the information you need to make the best possible journey between these two cities. Keep reading and you'll learn the fastest and slowest options, the distance for each, and estimated drive times based on traffic.
Route Options
There are two main route options for getting from Broadlands to Mantua. The first is through the I-495 W and I-66 E highways. This route is approximately 24 miles long and offers the fastest time of 30-35 minutes during low traffic times. However, it can take up to an hour or more during peak traffic periods. The second route is through VA-267 E and I-495 S, which is around 26 miles and takes a little longer, approximately 35-40 minutes during light traffic periods, and up to an hour during peak traffic times.
Fastest Route
The fastest route between Broadlands and Mantua is taking I-495 W and I-66 E highway. The route is about 24 miles and it can take up to an hour during peak traffic periods. However, during the wee hours of the day when there is low traffic, it can take between 30-35 minutes. This route also has toll charges, and since it's a highway, it takes significantly less time and is great for drivers looking to get there fast.
Slowest Route
If time is not of the essence, you may take a scenic route through VA-267 E and I-495 S to Mantua. While it can take up to an hour during peak hours, at around 35-40 minutes during lighter hours, it is longer at around 26 miles than other routes. It may take a longer time, but occasionally high traffic congestion can make it the same time as the fastest route.
Distance and Time Based on Traffic
The distance of the fastest route through I-495 W and I-66 E highway is 24 miles and takes between 30-35 minutes. The distance of this route seemingly overlaps the VA-267 E and the I-495 S route, which is 26 miles and takes a little longer, between 35-40 minutes. As there are no tolls for VA-267 E/I-495 S, this route is ideal for anyone on a budget. However, be wary that this route may take longer during peak traffic times.
Peak Traffic Times
Peak traffic times are between 7:00 AM, 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM. During these hours, it's natural to choose the route with less traffic to speed up your journey. It's important to remember that the fastest route through I-495 W and I-66 E Highway can take longer during peak traffic times. It may be best to use the scenic route VA-267 E/I-495 S, as it may take the same or less time and you won't have to pay toll charges.
Driving from Broadlands to Mantua can be smooth if planned correctly. It may range from 30-35 minutes to an hour, depending on the route you choose. Generally, the fastest route through I-495 W and I-66 E Highway is most preferred. However, it's essential to factor in the traffic situations at the time of travel. Remember, if you prefer to avoid tolls, take VA-267 E/I-495 S, but bear in mind that in high traffic situations, this route may take the same amount of time.