Best ways to get from Brook Park, Ohio to North Ridgeville, Ohio
If you're looking to travel between Brook Park and North Ridgeville in Ohio, you've got a few different options. Whether you're in a hurry or looking to take the scenic route, there's something for everyone. Here are the different routes and their estimated travel times.
Route 1: Take I-480 W and OH-10 W
This is the most direct route from Brook Park to North Ridgeville and covers a distance of about 14 miles. You start by taking the exit from Brook Park Rd to I-480 W towards Lorain. After driving for about 4.8 miles, you'll take exit 4A to merge onto OH-10 W towards Amherst. You will continue on OH-10 W for approximately 6.6 miles before exiting and taking a right onto Lorain Rd. Finally, you will take a left onto Lear Nagle Rd and drive straight until you reach the city of North Ridgeville. This route takes just over 20 minutes to complete without traffic.
Route 2: Take Sprague Rd to Center Ridge Rd
For a more relaxed route, Sprague Rd has plenty of scenic views to offer. Start by taking Ford Rd out of Brook Park until you reach Sprague Rd. Then, make a right on into Sprague Rd and continue straight for about 9.5 miles. Once you reach Center Ridge Rd, make a left and head west for another 3 miles. North Ridgeville should be visible once you hit your destination. This route is slightly longer, covering a distance of about 14.4 miles, but may take a few minutes longer than Route 1 without traffic.
Route 3: Take OH-237 N
If you're arriving at Brook Park from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, you might consider this route which starts on Brookpark Rd and OH-237 N, the Shoreway. Follow OH-237 north for approximately 8 miles until it connects with OH-10 W. Then, continue straight on OH-10 W for about 1.6 miles. After this, take the exit and the right on Lorain Rd before taking a left on Lear Nagle Rd. The route covers a distance of 15 miles and might take up to 30 minutes depending on traffic conditions.
Good places to stop along the way
If you're not in a hurry, you should take advantage of the attractions and restaurants in the area. One of the popular places to stop by is the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds, the home of the County Fair, which has plenty of activities like concerts, museum and carnival rides. You can also make a stop at W. 25th Street Market which has food and items from local vendors. Other places include the Westwood Commons Assisted Living Community, Wingstop, and Arby's.
In conclusion, there are different ways to travel between Brook Park and North Ridgeville in Ohio. Your driving time will depend on several factors including the route you choose, traffic conditions, and your travel itinerary. However, with this guide, you can choose which route suits you best and make the best use of your time while on the road.