How Long Does it Take to Drive from Camarillo to Beverly Hills?
Looking to get from Camarillo to Beverly Hills in your car? The drive can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour depending on traffic. But don't worry, we've got you covered with the fastest and slowest routes, as well as the distance and driving times for each one.
There are three primary routes you can take from Camarillo to Beverly Hills: the 101 Freeway, the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), or the Canyon Roads. Each route has pros and cons, so it's essential to consider each one before hitting the road.
The 101 Freeway
The 101 is the most direct route to Beverly Hills, with a distance of approximately 42 miles. The freeway usually has a consistent flow of traffic, making it a popular choice for commuters. At low traffic times, it can take as little as 45 minutes to drive the 101. However, at peak traffic times, like rush hour, it can take up to 1 hour and 20 minutes.
The Pacific Coast Highway
The PCH is the most scenic route to Beverly Hills, with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and Malibu. The distance from Camarillo to Beverly Hills via the PCH is approximately 53 miles. While the PCH does offer magnificent views, it's not the quickest route. At low traffic times, it can take up to 1 hour and 10 minutes. However, at peak traffic times, it can take up to 1 hour and 45 minutes, making it the slowest of the three routes.
The Canyon Roads
The Canyon Roads are the least used route from Camarillo to Beverly Hills, with winding roads and stunning views. The distance from Camarillo to Beverly Hills via the Canyon Roads is approximately 43 miles. While the Canyon Roads offer scenic views, they can take longer to drive, with a time of 1 hour and 5 minutes at low traffic times. During peak traffic times, it can take up to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Time Your Drive
Traffic patterns can significantly impact your drive time from Camarillo to Beverly Hills. If you're looking to get to Beverly Hills quickly, the 101 is your best bet. However, if you prefer a more scenic route, the PCH or the Canyon Roads may be more appealing to you.
No matter which route you take, be sure to time your drive. Rush hour and other busy times can add significant time to your commute. By taking advantage of low traffic times and avoiding peak hours, you can ensure a more pleasant and timely drive to Beverly Hills.
Overall, the time it takes to drive from Camarillo to Beverly Hills can vary considerably depending on the route and traffic conditions. But with a little planning and timing, you can be sure to arrive at your destination with ease and on time.