Driving Time from Canzo, Lombardia to Bagdad, Governatorato di Baghdad
If you're planning a road trip from Canzo, Lombardia, Italy, to Bagdad, Governatorato di Baghdad, Iraq, there are a few things to consider. The distance, traffic patterns, and the route you take can all impact the time it takes to complete the journey. In this post, we'll take a closer look at different routes and the driving times during peak hours and low-traffic times.
Fastest Routes
When it comes to finding the quickest route, the E35 and E45 are two of the most direct paths. The E35 takes you down to the port of Brindisi, where you can catch a ferry across the Adriatic Sea to Greece. From there, head south through Turkey before reaching Iraq. The distance is about 3,420 km and can take around 3-4 days to complete. The E45 takes you through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Turkey before crossing the border into Iraq. This route is a bit longer at 5,237 km and can take up to a week to complete.
Slowest Routes
If you have time to spare and want to take the scenic route, the E35 to E70 route is a good choice. This route takes you through Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, Belarus, and Russia before entering Kazakhstan, where you can drive down to Iraq. The distance is approximately 7,331 km and can take more than two weeks. The E35 to E70 route is definitely more time-consuming, but you'll see some incredible scenery along the way.
Time It Takes To Drive
Driving times can vary, depending on the time of day, traffic patterns, and weather conditions. During peak hours, it is essential to anticipate some delays, especially towards major cities. A trip from Canzo to Bagdad could take around ten to thirteen days, depending on the route and traffic pattern. However, during low-traffic hours, the drive can be completed in seven to nine days.
Choose Wisely
When planning the ultimate road trip to Bagdad from Canzo, Lombardia, there are several routes to choose from, each with its benefits and drawbacks. While some routes can take up to three weeks, others can take less than 10 days. Your choice will depend on how much time you have and what you want to see along the way. Whether you choose the fastest or slowest route, what matters most is the adventure of taking on a road trip across several countries, discovering new places, and experiencing different cultures.