The Cost of a Trip Between Buna, Texas and Ocean Springs, Mississippi
If you're planning a road trip from Buna, Texas to Ocean Springs, Mississippi you'll want to estimate the cost of gas, tolls and food along the way. The distance between these two locations is approximately 452 miles, which takes around 7 hours and 23 minutes to drive without stopping. In this article, we will explore various travel routes, calculate their costs and provide recommendations for the best route to take.
Route 1: I-10 E
The first route starts on I-10 E and takes you all the way to Ocean Springs. This is the most direct route and covers a total distance of approximately 409 miles. The journey time would be around 6 hours and 42 minutes. This route is ideal for those who want to get to their destination as quickly as possible.
According to AAA's Fuel Cost Calculator, the cost of gas for a typical passenger vehicle driving this distance would be around $45.32 based on the current average gas price of $2.69/gallon. However, the cost of gas will vary depending on the type of car you have and where you fill up.
You won't have to pay any tolls on this route, so your expenses will be limited to gas and food. Based on a typical meal cost of $12 per person, two people on this trip would spend about $48 on food.
Route 2: US-90 E
Another route you can take is US-90 E, which is slightly longer than the first route. This route has a distance of 427 miles and takes around 7 hours and 5 minutes to drive. The road also passes through a few cities and towns, making it a more scenic route for those who want to take their time and explore.
Since this route takes you through multiple towns and cities, you'll have more options for food and gas stations along the way. Based on AAA's Fuel Cost Calculator, the cost of gas for this distance would be about $48.20. The cost of food for this route is estimated to be the same as Route 1 at $48 for two people.
Route 3: I-10 E and AL-59 S
The final route is a mix of the first two we've discussed. This route starts on I-10 E and takes you to AL-59S before reaching Ocean Springs. This route will cover approximately 439 miles, and you'll spend around 7 hours and 15 minutes driving.
This route has some interesting stops, including Mobile Bay and Gulf Shores. You may also cross multiple state lines, so keep in mind state gas taxes that may vary along the way.
The cost of gas using this route is estimated to be around $49.69, based on AAA's Fuel Cost Calculator. You'll also pass through several tolls, which will increase your expenses. The standard toll for this route is $6.00. Still, it may increase at certain peak times, so you have to be prepared financially. Finally, based on the same food costs mentioned earlier, the expected expense is $48 for two persons.
The total estimated cost per person for the most direct route, Route 1, is around $54.16 (carrying two people). Given the minimal distance difference, we recommend using this route for the quickest arrival.
Route 2 is a good option if you want to take your time a bit more, and it can cost you more compared to Route 1. For instances, the estimated total cost of Route 2 would be $57.20 for two people. However, you may find a more prolonged traveling experience taking this route.
Route 3 could be an interesting choice if you want to explore multiple cities and towns along the way. However, it involves paying more tolls, which can increase your expenses. The total estimated cost for Route 3 would be around $57.84 for two persons, which is not too different from Route 2.
When choosing the best route from Buna, Texas, to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, consider a few factors like time, the cost of gas, and toll payments. It's usually best to go with the most direct route, which is Route 1 for convenience. However, you might want to try Route 2 for a more scenic drive and explore some towns along the way. Even if you choose a different route or encounter a delay along the way, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Enjoy your drive!