How Much Does it Cost to Drive From Burtonsville, Maryland to Hagerstown, Maryland?
Looking to take a road trip from Burtonsville, Maryland to Hagerstown, Maryland? The total cost of this road trip depends on various factors, including the route you take, the distance, the time it takes to reach your destination, and the amount of gas and tolls you pay along the way.
Here's a breakdown of the cost of driving from Burtonsville, Maryland to Hagerstown, Maryland based on current gas prices.
Route 1: I-70W
The most direct route from Burtonsville to Hagerstown is to take I-70 W. According to Google Maps, this route is approximately 60 miles, which should take about 1 hour to travel, depending on the traffic. Gas is currently averaging at around $2.50 per gallon. Based on the average gas mileage of 22 mpg, it would take around 3 gallons, which would cost around $7.50. There is also a toll fee at the Nice Bridge of $6. Should you take this route, you should expect to spend approximately $14 each way.
Route 2: MD-27 N and I-70 W
If you prefer a more scenic drive, you can take MD-27 N and I-70 W. This route is a little longer than the first option at around 77 miles, which should take approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes to travel, dependent on traffic. According to the average gas prices mentioned above of $2.50 per gallon, based on the average gas mileage of 22 mpg, it would take around 3.5 gallons, which would cost around $8.75. There are no toll fees on this route, so should you take this option, you should expect to spend approximately $17.50 each way.
Route 3: MD-97 N and I-70 W
If you are looking for a scenic drive and don't mind taking a slightly longer route, you can take MD-97 N and I-70 W. This route is around 89 miles, which should take approximately 2 hours to travel, dependent on traffic. According to the average gas prices mentioned above of $2.50 per gallon, based on the average gas mileage of 22 mpg, you will need around 4 gallons, which would cost around $10. Then, there is a toll fee of $6 at the Nice Bridge. Should you take this option, you should expect to spend approximately $22 each way.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to traveling by car, there are many factors to consider, including time, distance, gas prices, and tolls. Planning your trip in advance and considering the price of each route is essential to make the most of your travel experience. Keep in mind that the gas prices may vary, as they fluctuate, and always budget a little extra for any unforeseen expenses that may come up along your journey. Safe travels!