How much does it cost to drive from Caldwell, NJ to Washington Township, NJ?
Calling all drivers in the Caldwell, NJ area! If you're planning a trip to Washington Township, NJ, you're probably wondering how much it will cost you to get there. We've done the research for you and have the details on different routes, distances, times, and costs.
Route 1: Take the Garden State Parkway
The most direct route from Caldwell to Washington Township is to take the Garden State Parkway. This route is 25 miles and takes around 35 minutes without traffic. There is a toll of $1.50 each way, totaling $3 for the trip. As for gas prices, according to GasBuddy, the average gas price in the area is currently $2.79 per gallon. If your car gets 25 miles per gallon and you fill up your tank at a cost of $2.79 per gallon, you would use a little over 1 gallon of gas for the trip, costing you approximately $2.79. So, in total, the cost for this route is $5.79.
Route 2: Take the NJ Transit Bus
A more affordable option to get from Caldwell to Washington Township is to take the NJ Transit Bus. The bus leaves from Bloomfield Ave at Park Ave and takes about an hour and 20 minutes to get to Washington Township. The fare is $6.75 each way, so a round trip would cost you $13.50. Keep in mind that schedules and availability may differ from day to day, so be sure to check before heading out.
Route 3: Take the scenic route
If you have extra time and want to enjoy a scenic drive, you can take Route 202 through Morris and Bergen counties. While it is the longest route at 38 miles, it only adds around 10 minutes to your travel time. There are no tolls on this route, but you'll still need to fill up your gas tank. Using the same cost for gas as Route 1, you'd spend around $4.18 on gas. So, the cost for this route is approximately $4.18.
Route 4: Avoid Toll Roads
For those looking to avoid Toll Roads, there is an alternative Route through Bloomfield and Montclair which is approximately 30 miles and takes around 45 minutes. This route does not have any tolls, but again you will need to fill up your gas tank. Using the same cost for gas as we used for the other routes, you can expect to spend around $3.75 on gas. So, the total cost for this Route is $3.75
In conclusion, there are several options available for traveling from Caldwell to Washington Township. Each option has its own pros and cons, and you should select the one which suits you best. Whether you want to get there quickly or save money along the way. Either way, we hope that this information has been helpful in planning your trip. Safe travels!