The Cost of a Trip between Catonsville, MD and East Cleveland, OH Based on Current Gas Prices
If you are considering a trip between Catonsville, Maryland and East Cleveland, Ohio, you might jump onto the internet and start your search for the best deals, routes, and options. Some of the important factors to consider while planning such a trip include the distance, gas prices, and the best route. This article will focus on the cost of a trip between Catonsville and East Cleveland based on current gas prices. We will highlight the different possible routes, outline the distance and cost of each one, and recommend the best route based on the calculations of the cost and distance.
There are several routes you can take to go from Catonsville to East Cleveland. The primary routes are through I-76, I-70, and I-71. Another option is to go through I-270, which is a relatively longer and less-congested route. Regardless of which route you prefer, you will spend a considerable amount of time driving as the distance between Catonsville and East Cleveland is approximately 366.5 miles.
Route 1: Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-76
The first and the most common route between Catonsville and East Cleveland is via I-76. This route spans 372.8 miles, a journey requiring around six hours of driving. It is a relatively shorter route, but factors like road closures or congestions could make it longer. Thus, it is important to keep in mind that the time is only an estimate.
Using gas price data from February 2021, the average gas price along the route from Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-76 will set you back around $47. The calculation is based on gas consumption of 25 miles per gallon (mpg), a price of $2.55 per gallon. Again, it is important to note that this calculation is based on a 372.8-mile journey, and the actual distance traveled might vary based on starting and end locations.
Route 2: Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-70
The next route goes from Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-70. It covers a longer distance of 389 miles, and the estimated driving time is around six and a half hours. This route can take longer due to congestions at various locations. It is crucial to consider the traffic conditions before finalizing your route.
According to the February 2021 gas prices, the average cost of gas consumption for a vehicle traveling between Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-70 will add up to approximately $49. The calculation is based on gas consumption of 25 mpg and an average price of $2.55 per gallon.
Route 3: Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-71
The third route between Catonsville and East Cleveland goes through I-71. It is the longest of the three routes, spanning 413.3 miles. The journey time is approximately seven hours. This route might take even longer due to heavy traffic on various routes.
The average cost of gas that you will need for this journey is around $56, based on February 2021 gas prices. The calculation uses 25 mpg and an average price of $2.55 per gallon.
Route 4: Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-270
Our final route goes from Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-270. It is the longest and most roundabout route, spanning a distance of 431.8 miles and taking around seven and a half hours to cover. This route is less congested than the others, and one can avoid the busy Columbus metropolitan area.
According to the February 2021 gas prices, the average gas consumption for a vehicle traveling between Catonsville to East Cleveland via I-270 is $57. The calculation uses 25 mpg and $2.55 per gallon.
Recommended Route
After considering the four routes, it's clear that the best route to take is via I-76. It is a relatively shorter distance requiring less time to cover. The traffic is less congested, and the average gas cost is lower than the others. This route is an excellent choice for people who want to avoid traffic and minimize expenses.
Resuming our analysis, you will need to consider the distance and gas price when planning a trip from Catonsville, Maryland, to East Cleveland, Ohio. There are multiple routes you can take to go from one place to another, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the recommended route is through I-76, which is a relatively shorter and less-congested option while, at the same time, being the cheapest. By considering all of these factors, you can make the most economical and effective decision to find the optimal route to meet your needs.