The Cost of a Trip between Champaign, Illinois and Cambridge, Ohio: The Impact of Gas Prices on Your Wallet
Traveling from Champaign, Illinois to Cambridge, Ohio is a trip covering approximately 350 miles. Depending on the preferred mode of transportation and route selected, your travel cost can vary significantly. The price of gas, distance, and method of travel impact the ultimate cost of the trip. With the constantly fluctuating gas prices, it's essential to plan accordingly for your budget. In this article, we'll explore the different routes one can take and the associated costs.
The Different Routes You Can Take from Champaign to Cambridge
Route 1: The Direct Route
The most straightforward and shortest route is a direct path between Champaign and Cambridge. This route takes you east on I-74 towards Indianapolis. Once you reach Indianapolis, you'll then take I-70 east all the way to Cambridge. This route is roughly 365 miles in length and should take approximately six hours to cover.
The biggest advantage of this route is its simplicity and speed. You'll be able to travel to Cambridge in the shortest amount of time possible, which is beneficial if you're in a hurry. However, this convenience comes with a cost. Taking this route will require more fuel as I-70 isn't the most fuel-efficient path. According to GasBuddy, the current average gas price for Indiana is around $3.00/gallon. Therefore, a one-way trip would cost about $41.5 in total gas expenditure.
Route 2: The Scenic Route
If you're interested in experiencing the vastness of the Midwest while driving to your destination, a scenic route may be more enjoyable and worth the added time. The second route option we recommend is taking US-36 and OH-83, which meanders through picturesque towns, cornfields, and rolling hills.
To take this route, you'll head east on I-74 from Champaign until you reach US-36 near Indianapolis. From there, you'll take US-36 all the way to New Concord, Ohio before switching to OH-83 for the remainder of your journey. This route is approximately 370 miles long and takes roughly seven hours to complete. One major benefit of this route is the lower cost of fuel. Since you'll be taking mostly rural roads and highways, walking around exploring the state's natural beauty is a common method that many travelers opt for. This reduces the fuel consumption, bringing the estimated cost of this trip one way to be around $45.5.
Route 3: The Combination of Both Routes
If you prefer to experience the tranquility and beauty of nature, but also prioritize a shorter travel time, a combination of both routes might be your best option. This route involves taking a combination of both Route 1 and Route 2. By taking I-74 from Champaign to Indianapolis, you cover approximately 115 miles, shortening the trip by an hour. That means you will be taking the scenic route from Indianapolis instead of Champaign.
By starting in Indianapolis, you'll begin your journey on US-36 and head east throughout the beautiful countryside. Once you arrive in New Concord, OH, switch over to OH-83 to finish the trip to Cambridge. This option is approximately 366 miles long and takes approximately 6.5 hours to complete. Taking both the major highways and the scenic route will balance the time spent travelling and enjoying the Midwest's beauty.
Although this is the optimal route to take, the cost can fluctuate depending on the gas prices. Currently, gas prices according to GasBuddy have an average of $3.05 in the Bloomington area, and $3.07 around the Columbus area, making the one-way trip's fuel cost for this route approximately $42.75.
The Conclusion
The decision between these three route options come down to your personal preferences and budget. If you prefer the quickest, most hassle-free route, take a direct path on I-70. But if you're looking for an adventure that is cost-effective too, the scenic route may be your ideal option. However, the combination of both routes is a balance between the two, making it the most recommended route.
Moreover, it is essential to keep an eye out for the gas prices as these can affect your budget, regardless of which route chosen. However, if you do decide to take a scenic route, you will enjoy the view and keep yourself in budget at the same time.
In conclusion, covering a distance of 350 miles and traveling between Champaign and Cambridge is very flexible. The route you take and the transportation method you choose can have significant effects on your overall cost. We hope that this article helps you select the cost-effective route and, more importantly, helps you budget for it. And of course, be sure to enjoy your journey through the scenic beauty of the Midwest.